Will Dart Replace JavaScript in the Future?

Dart is an open-source programming language created in 2011 by Google. It’s gained a lot of traction since then, and some are wondering if it marks the beginning of the end for JavaScript, one of the most popular (if not the most popular) programming languages. So, will Dart replace JavaScript in the future?

Dart will not replace JavaScript in the future. While Dart is a great language with many features JavaScript lacks, it is not as widely adopted as JavaScript. Additionally, most web development frameworks and libraries are written in JS, so it is difficult for Dart to replace JavaScript entirely.

This article will look at Dart and compare it to JavaScript to see which one is better suited for your needs. Read on for a detailed explanation of why Dart is not likely to replace JavaScript soon.

7 Reasons Why Dart Will Not Replace JavaScript

Dart is a great language with many features that appeal to developers, but it has several points against it that mean it won’t become the new standard for web development anytime soon.

Here’s a rundown of a few crucial reasons Dart will not replace JavaScript:

Dart Is Not As Popular as JavaScript

Dart has been gaining popularity since its release in 2011, but it still has a long way to go to catch up to JavaScript. According to a 2019 Stack Overflow Developer Survey, only 1.9% of respondents said they used Dart in the past year, compared to 67.8% who used JavaScript.

That’s not surprising, considering that JavaScript has been around since 1995, while Dart is still a relative newcomer.

The following YouTube video explains why JS is so popular:

Dart Is Less Mature Than JavaScript

Another reason Dart will not replace JavaScript is that it’s less mature than JavaScript. That’s not to say that Dart is a bad language — far from it! But because it’s newer, it hasn’t had as much time to develop as JavaScript has.

That lack of maturity is evident in the language itself and the Dart ecosystem. For example, there are fewer libraries and frameworks available for Dart than for JavaScript. And because it’s not as widely used as JavaScript, there aren’t as many resources available to help developers learn Dart.

JavaScript Is More Versatile Than Dart

While Dart is a great language for web development, it’s not as versatile as JavaScript. That’s because you can use JavaScript for more than just web development. Developers can also use JS for server-side development, mobile app development, and game development.

Dart, on the other hand, is primarily used for web development. You can use it for mobile app development, but it’s not as well-suited for that purpose as JavaScript is. And while there are Dart libraries and frameworks developers can use for game development, JavaScript is still the better option for that particular case.

Dart Has Fewer Frameworks Than JavaScript

Another point against Dart is it has fewer frameworks available than JavaScript. That’s not to say there are no Dart frameworks — there are a few, such as AngularDart and Flutter — but there are far fewer than for JavaScript. This lack of frameworks can be a problem for developers who want to use Dart for web development.

Without a robust framework, it can be more challenging to build complex web applications with Dart.

Dart Is Harder To Learn Than JavaScript

One of the biggest hurdles Dart faces is that it’s harder to learn than JavaScript, especially for beginners without JS skills. That’s because fewer resources are available to help people learn Dart and because the language itself is relatively new.

For example, you can find many JavaScript tutorials online, but you can count Dart tutorials on one hand. And while there are books available on Dart programming, there aren’t nearly as many as that for JavaScript.

Exception: If you’re a skilled JavaScript developer, you may find it easier to learn Dart than a beginner would. The reason is that you already understand how programming works, and you can apply that knowledge to Dart.

Dart Offers Fewer Job Opportunities Than JS

Another reason Dart will not replace JavaScript is it offers fewer job opportunities than JavaScript does. That’s because JavaScript is more widely used than Dart and (as I mentioned earlier) fewer Dart frameworks are available.

As a result, if you’re looking for a job as a web developer, you’re more likely to find a position that requires JavaScript than one that requires Dart.

Of course, that could change in the future as Dart becomes more popular. But for now, JavaScript is still the better option if you’re looking for a job in web development.

The Dart Community Is Smaller Than the JS One

Finally, one of the biggest challenges for potential Dart users is that its community is smaller than the one for JavaScript. Fewer people use Dart than JavaScript, and it’s a newer language. As a result, there are fewer resources available for Dart developers, and the community itself isn’t as active as the JavaScript community.

For example, you can find many active JavaScript forums online, but the Dart forums are few and far between. While there are Dart meetups and conferences, they’re not nearly as common as the ones for JavaScript.

All of the above factors make Dart a less attractive option than JavaScript, especially for beginners. Unless Dart can overcome these challenges, it’s unlikely it’ll replace JavaScript as the most popular programming language within the next few years (or even decades).

Dart vs. JavaScript: The Pros and Cons

Having looked at why Dart will not replace JavaScript, let’s now take a look at the pros and cons of each language. After all, even though Dart has some disadvantages, it also has some advantages over JavaScript.

Dart Pros

  • Ahead-of-time (AOT) compiling improves startup time and reduces programming errors.
  • The null safety feature helps avoid null reference errors.
  • Type inference eliminates the need for developers to annotate their code with type information.
  • Dart provides better support for software engineering practices such as modularity and testing.

Dart Cons

  • Dart isn’t as widely used as JavaScript, which means there’s a smaller community and fewer resources available.
  • Dart can be challenging to learn for developers who aren’t familiar with typed languages.
  • Dart offers fewer job opportunities than JavaScript.

JavaScript Pros

  • JavaScript is the most popular programming language globally, meaning there’s a large community and plenty of resources available.
  • JavaScript is relatively easy to learn even for beginners.
  • JavaScript offers more job opportunities than Dart.

JavaScript Cons

  • JavaScript code can be hard to debug because it’s not typed.
  • JavaScript doesn’t offer as much support for software engineering practices as Dart does.
  • JavaScript can be slow to load, especially on mobile devices.

Should You Learn Dart or JavaScript?

You should learn JavaScript if you are starting out as a web developer. It is the most popular programming language globally, and it is relatively easy to learn. Plus, there are more job opportunities for JavaScript developers than for Dart developers.

That said, Dart is a great language, and it has some advantages over JavaScript. So, if you’re already proficient in JavaScript, you may also want to learn Dart. Doing so will give you a better understanding of how programming works, and you can apply that knowledge to Dart.

If you need a quick primer on Dart, check out The Dart Programming Language by Gilad Bracha from Amazon.com. The book is aimed at beginners, and it’ll teach you the basics of programming in Dart, including how to use the language to build web applications.

The Verdict

As a programming language, Dart has a lot to offer. It’s fast, easy to learn, and you can use it to create web applications and native mobile apps. However, despite its many advantages, it’s highly unlikely Dart will replace JavaScript anytime soon.

Here’s a summary of why Dart won’t replace JavaScript:

  • Dart is a great language, but it doesn’t have as many resources as JavaScript.
  • Dart isn’t as widely used as JavaScript, so there are fewer job opportunities for Dart developers.
  • JavaScript has been around longer, and it’s more entrenched in the web development world than Dart is.

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