Can JavaScript Object Keys Be Numbers or Non-string Values?

For those who have worked with JavaScript for a while, you will understand there are certain behaviors about the language that makes it seem it works in a certain way, when in reality it doesn’t, such as using == and === equals to check for equality between two different values. Against what many think, JavaScript … Read more

What is the Difference Between == vs === in JavaScript?

Whether you are coming from a different programming language like C# or you are a brand new programmer learning about JavaScript, you have probably seen different JavaScript codebases using in some cases double equals (==) and in other cases using triple equals (===). Although they seem similar at first, it is important to understand the … Read more

Is JavaScript Client-Side Secure? What Are The Vulnerabilities?


Software Development has evolved dramatically over the last 10+ years. Prior to the development of Frontend JavaScript frameworks, multiple projects relied on the backend, including its security. With more advances on the client-side, the level of responsibility has increased equally on both ends. However, is the JavaScript Client-Side Secure? In short, JavaScript client-side applications are … Read more