Will JavaScript Become Obsolete? What Is Its Future?

JavaScript is one of the most popular programming languages in the world, used by millions of developers to create websites and web applications. However, with the advent of new languages like Web Assembly and TypeScript, there’s a growing discussion about whether or not JavaScript will soon become obsolete.

JavaScript is not likely to become obsolete anytime soon. While newer languages are starting to gain traction, JavaScript will continue to dominate in web development. It’s a universal language that can be used for front-end and back-end development, making it an essential skill for developers.

In this blog post, we’ll explore the history of JavaScript, its recent advancements, and its future prospects. We’ll also investigate why some developers believe that it may become obsolete in the near future and discuss possible alternatives.

Why JavaScript Won’t Go Extinct

JavaScript Is Popular and in Demand

JavaScript ranks as one of the most popular programming languages, according to surveys by TIOBE and RedMonk. In addition, Stack Overflow reports that more than 80% of developers use Javascript in their day-to-day work. Furthermore, programmers spend a lot of time developing Web-based applications and websites with HTML and JavaScript.

Given that nearly every site today contains some level of JavaScript code, it’s clear why there’s such a high demand for developers who know how to build with JS. It’s used in everything from enterprise software to native apps for smartphones—meaning it will continue to be highly sought after for many years to come!

It Powers the Internet

JavaScript isn’t just a simple language that got lucky. It powers much of what we do online, whether it’s downloading our latest Netflix show or buying something from Amazon. These services, as well as many others, wouldn’t be possible without JavaScript.

If you don’t believe me, look at how far you can get without JS enabled in your browser. You’ll surely start appreciating what JavaScript does for us in our daily life as most web applications stop working altogether after disabling JS scripts.

And if JavaScript were to completely disappear, Google and Microsoft have put their might behind open-source solutions like Dart and TypeScript to help update JS for new developers while keeping it viable for experienced ones.

JavaScript is Expanding

The reach of JavaScript has only grown with time. It’s used to power applications on both desktop and mobile devices. There are major browser vendors like Google, Microsoft, and Mozilla working hard to improve upon their capabilities.

Plenty of third-party developers also continue to create libraries and frameworks that give users more control over JavaScript, making it an essential skill in any web developer’s toolkit. No matter what you work with, you’re going to need some JavaScript if you are a web developer.

Support From Community and Enterprises

Many companies such as Google, Microsoft, and Yahoo use or support JavaScript, making it more critical than ever before. Moreover, JavaScript has been used by enterprises for years. That trend will continue into 2022 and beyond because of its importance to enterprise application development.

These factors make it hard to believe that a language that powers many websites could become obsolete. Due to its flexibility, developer interest, huge enterprise support community, and ability to build cross-platform applications, it’s highly unlikely that JavaScript will become obsolete.

JavaScript Has A Plethora of Popular Frameworks

Express.JS, Meteor, Angular, and React are just some of the frameworks that keep JavaScript relevant. The rise of single-page applications and mobile devices that run on JavaScript fuels its dominance. And as the number of JavaScript frameworks continues to grow, it’s clear we’re nowhere near ditching JS any time soon!

The Pros and Cons of JavaScript

Pros: What’s Keeping JavaScript Relevant?

  • One of the most significant reasons why JavaScript is still relevant is that it has a much simpler syntax than Java.
  • Developers can use the same language for both client-side and server-side applications. There are also libraries like jQuery that make coding easier without sacrificing functionality.
  • JavaScript is easy to learn, and many resources are available for those looking to become JavaScript experts. It’s also open-source, so anyone can edit the code or add new features to the language.
  • JavaScript works on any browser. Other languages, on the other hand, need to be translated into different formats to work.
  • JavaScript’s syntax is similar to other languages such as C or Java, so experts from these fields can often pick up JavaScript quickly.
  • A large variety of open-source libraries and frameworks like React, Node, and jQuery have made JavaScript more potent than ever before.
  • Another reason why JavaScript should remain relevant is because its codebase is continuously moving ahead with innovations such as ES6.

Cons: Where JavaScript Fails

While there are many benefits to using JavaScript, it’s not without its flaws:

  • JavaScript can be too slow for some browsers and take up too much memory.
  • JavaScript is a single-threaded language, which means that only one task can be executed at a time. This can cause problems when multiple tasks need to be completed simultaneously. For example, suppose you’re waiting for a response from a server while also trying to update the user interface. In that case, the user interface will freeze until the response from the server is received.
  • One of the biggest problems with JavaScript is that it’s loosely typed. This means that you can’t be sure what type of data a variable will hold.
  • JavaScript was not designed for large-scale applications. It was created for small scripts on websites and didn’t have the capabilities to handle more complex tasks.
  • The language is constantly changing and evolving, making it challenging to keep up with the updates and changes. This can lead to errors and inconsistencies in code and makes it difficult for developers to maintain existing applications.
  • There are already newer languages that are more efficient and better suited for large-scale applications. Languages like Python have become more efficient at building large-scale systems.

JavaScript Most Likely Isn’t the Future of the World Wide Web

Python’s Surge to the Top

The rise of Python as a go-to language for server environments and web applications has been staggering. This increase in popularity, combined with recent updates to Python that improve readability and syntax, could spell trouble for JavaScript.

If a developer finds an easier way to accomplish their goals with Python, they may make that switch. However, one significant benefit of JS is that it’s an in-demand skill, so developers who learn it will likely never have trouble finding work.

Furthermore, employers are still asking for strong JS skills on job postings – meaning that people are more likely to develop those skills even if other languages become more attractive.

Introducing Web Assembly

Web Assembly is a new standard that allows developers to create code that runs in the browser. It’s faster and more secure than JavaScript, and it has the potential to change the way we build websites and apps. Web Assembly can run on devices that don’t have a JavaScript engine.

This opens up a lot of possibilities for the future of the web. We could see a future where most of the code is compiled to Web Assembly and run in the browser. This would make the web faster and much more secure.

Microsoft and Google have jointly announced their support for Web Assembly. Since both of these companies are some of JavaScript’s most influential advocates, it’s safe to say that Web Assembly could have a significant impact on how we interact with websites—and even apps—in the future.

Flutter Over React

JavaScript has been the most popular programming language for a few years now. But a new challenger has recently emerged–Flutter. Flutter is a mobile app development platform created by Google. It allows developers to develop apps for Android and iOS using a single codebase. Flutter promises to make app development even faster and easier than React Native.

One of the main benefits of Flutter is that it doesn’t require JavaScript. This could be a major reason for its growing popularity. JavaScript is starting to show its age, and it may go obsolete in the near future. If that happens, Flutter will be the clear winner.

Virtual Reality and Artificial Intelligence

As these technologies advance, there are fewer applications for complex front-end code. Fewer computers will need to generate their own content from scratch. Furthermore, many users won’t require that level of interactivity or novelty; instead, they’ll prefer a simple yet functional experience indistinguishable from real life.

For these reasons, companies like Google may see little reason to invest in developing interactive front-end webpages for users—especially since AI could create similar content. Just as search engines have replaced browser bookmarks and email newsletters have replaced personalized HTML links, websites might soon become relics of a bygone era.

Complex web pages will cease to exist in favor of more streamlined alternatives that don’t rely on Javascript or any other programmatic language to function.

Is There a Viable JavaScript Alternative?

There’s been a lot of talk about Google and other big companies trying to build alternatives to JavaScript. Still, every time you hear it, there’s also a chorus of naysayers claiming that no one would ever use anything but JavaScript.

While it’s true that no single language will become a universal standard for building web apps anytime soon, there are some fairly viable contenders worth discussing. Can any of them possibly overtake JavaScript? Let’s look at some of these languages:


TypeScript is a free and open-source programming language developed and maintained by Microsoft. Typescript is a superset of JavaScript, meaning that all JavaScript code is also valid TypeScript code. This allows using existing libraries (like jQuery) in TypeScript without adding wrappers.

Other than that, it’s possible to add optional static types to your code, which adds an extra layer of safety when dealing with complex applications that could otherwise be tricky to debug. There are some issues with performance compared to vanilla JS, but everything will be fixed in future releases.


CoffeeScript was created by Jeremy Ashkenas, and it’s a language that compiles into JavaScript. CoffeeScript uses minor syntax tweaks to make writing readable code easier. This saves a lot of time as you write your program and then compile it to run on various machines. Hence, CoffeeScript boosts productivity.


ClojureScript is a dialect of Clojure that compiles to Javascript and can be run in browsers. It extends functional programming with concepts from software development, such as immutability and (optional) static typing. A growing number of libraries and frameworks support web applications built on top of it.


The future of web development will be about making things more secure, faster, and more efficient. New techniques like virtual DOM, generators, and object-oriented JS will only help speed up innovation in web development. JavaScript isn’t going anywhere soon and is likely to become even more popular in the coming years.

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