Why Is JavaScript Hard To Understand? The Hardest Language?

JavaScript has come a long way over the years, and now it’s ubiquitous in the development industry. You can find it on websites, mobile apps, and even servers in specific scenarios. As such, there are a lot of developers who use JavaScript daily in their line of work.

JavaScript is hard to understand since it has a complex syntax, which – if not followed correctly can lead to tricky errors. Furthermore, the asynchronous nature and prototype-based structure make it a tricky language to learn for beginners. However, it just takes some patience and dedication to learn it.

So, let’s talk about why so many people believe that JavaScript is challenging. I’ll teach you about what might make learning this programming language more difficult or easier and give you a good idea of what to expect when learning it.

Is JavaScript Hard to Learn?

Although understanding JavaScript can be tricky at first glance, it only takes some practice and learning to get the hang of it.

JavaScript isn’t that hard to learn. It’s one of the easier programming languages to learn. The syntax is relatively simple, and plenty of resources can help you get started. However, there is a learning curve like any language, and it will take some time and effort to master.

If you’re willing to put in the work, you’ll be surprised at how quickly you can pick up the basics of JavaScript. Once you’ve got a handle on the basics, JavaScript is relatively easy to use and understand.

6 Reasons Why JavaScript Isn’t Really that Hard to Learn

JavaScript isn’t that hard to learn. However, a few common misconceptions about JavaScript can make it seem harder than it is.

1. JavaScript is Made for Non-Programmers and is Beginner-Friendly

JavaScript is a programming language designed to be easy to learn for nonprogrammers. It is often referred to as a “scripting language” because you can use it to create scripts that automate tasks.

Despite its reputation for being a complex language to learn, JavaScript is not as challenging as people make it out to be. That is because the language is full of features that are easy to understand. With a little bit of patience and practice, anyone can learn to use JavaScript effectively.

JavaScript is a high-level language. That means that it is closer to human language than machine language, making it easier to read and write.

The syntax of JavaScript is similar to other popular programming languages such as Java and C++. So, learning JavaScript will be much easier if you know one of these languages.

2. It’s a Forgiving Language

Another reason why JavaScript is easy to learn is that it is a very forgiving language. Unlike some other programming languages, JavaScript will not give you an error if you make a mistake. That means that you can experiment with code without worrying about making mistakes.

There are many ways to write code with JavaScript that will produce the same result.

This can be both a good and bad thing, as it can lead to confusion when multiple people are working on the same codebase. However, it can benefit you as a beginner since you can try different methods to do the same task and figure out which one is easiest for you.

3. Supportive Community and Beginner-Friendly Resources

JavaScript has a vast, supportive community that is always willing to help newcomers learn the language.

You’ll be able to find many online forums, such as Stack Overflow, where people can ask questions and get help from more experienced developers. Additionally, many online resources, such as tutorials and articles, can help people learn JavaScript.

The best way to learn JavaScript is to find a tutorial or course that suits your learning style and start practicing. There are dozens of books, websites, and online courses that can teach you the language’s basics. All you have to do is pick one and get started!

Then, once you’ve learned the basics, plenty of more advanced resources are available to help you take your skills to the next level.

4. You Don’t Need to Install or Set Up JavaScript

One of the great things about JavaScript is that you don’t need to install or set anything up to start using it. All you need is a text editor and a web browser. That’s it!

Once you have those two things, you can open up your text editor and start writing some code. When you’re ready to see if your code works, you can save your file and open it up in your web browser. If everything went well, you should see the results of your code right there in the browser window.

This ease of use is a significant advantage that JavaScript has over other programming languages. With most other languages, you have to install a bunch of software and set things up before you can even start writing code. On the other hand, you can just jump right in and start coding without any hassle with JavaScript.

5. No Need for a Compiler

One of the great things about JavaScript is that you don’t need a compiler to see results. You can open up your browser’s JavaScript console and start typing in code to see what happens. Using this feature is a great way to learn as you can immediately see the results of your code.

6. JavaScript Isn’t Limited to Front-End

One common misconception is that JavaScript is only for front-end development, which isn’t true. While JavaScript is most commonly used for front-end development, you can also use it for back-end development with frameworks like Express.js. Additionally, you can use JavaScript for game development, mobile app development, and more. So, once you get the language down, you’ll have an endless world of ways to use it.

8 Reasons Why People Think JavaScript is a Difficult Programming Language

JavaScript has become one of the most useful programming languages today, powering some of the top websites and apps that millions of people use every day – from Yahoo! Mail to Google Docs.

JavaScript isn’t the most straightforward programming language to work with, especially when you consider the other languages out there today, like C# or Java. With its wide range of applications and versatility, JavaScript has gained a reputation for being challenging to learn and use.

So, let’s look at the features of JavaScript that might make it tricky at first.

1. Unique Syntax and Indentation Makes JavaScript Hard To Read

Arguably, one of JavaScript’s weaknesses is its syntax.

Its object literals, for instance, require you to use braces in a different way than other languages. Like any other programming language, there are many different ways to write your code. That means you have to know which syntax is right for each case.

In addition, many of them seem very similar, so novice developers often accidentally choose the wrong syntax by mistake.

2. The Number of Reserved Keywords Makes It Difficult To Learn Quickly

While some programming languages are relatively intuitive and easy to pick up, others will have you scratching your head. JavaScript is far from ideal for those who learn more slowly or don’t enjoy struggling with a language (or learning) since it has so many keywords, and learning all that the language has to offer is not an easy task.

However, you don’t have to become a master at JavaScript overnight, and you’ll probably use some keywords a lot more than others. So, expect to take on JavaScript one step at a time and learn new things as you go.

3. JavaScript Is an Asynchronous Programming Language

Asynchronous programming allows different program parts to run at their own pace. Web pages, for example, can load in parallel with code that runs once they’re loaded – you don’t have to wait for all files before you get your first pixels on a screen. However, many new programmers struggle with asynchronous coding due to its complexity.

Learning asynchronous programming concepts and applying them to code isn’t everyone’s cup of tea. It’s a skill that you will need to develop over time, and it’s one that many novices find extremely difficult to grasp early on.

4. You Can write the Same Code In Many Different Ways

Compared to other programming languages, such as C and Python, JavaScript has many various code snippets. Because of that, developers have many choices when writing code for their projects.

While it might seem like a good thing, it actually can become confusing to newcomers and even experienced developers who aren’t used to working with different types of code snippets. Because of that, some people get confused and can spend hours figuring out why things aren’t working.

5. You Have To Learn Many Frameworks To Leverage Advanced JavaScript Functionality

The number of available frameworks to use when programming in JavaScript can seem overwhelming at first. There are so many options that it may cause anxiety when you consider which ones you want to learn or choose to work with. However, you can’t go wrong with any of them, especially if your first goal is to grasp the basics of JavaScript.

6. Most JavaScript Tutorials Are Made by Experts

One of the reasons JavaScript is such a complicated language to learn is that most tutorials are made by experts for experts. They take you right into advanced coding, object-oriented programming, and classes, so you don’t have time to become familiar with basic concepts like variables and functions.

If a subject becomes too challenging, beginners lose interest and give up on learning altogether. Expert developers tend to skip core concepts, assuming that people know what they are doing. However, even if you are a seasoned developer who has dealt with other languages in past projects, it may be challenging to follow along if you’ve never used JS before.

So, always opt for classes and tutorials that are explicitly for complete beginners, and be sure to shop around to find a teacher you can understand.

7. You Need To Understand Complex Computer Science Jargon

JavaScript is hard to learn because, to get things done, you often need to understand complex Computer Science topics. From web standards like HTML5 and CSS3 to databases, web services, and various server-side languages, learning to work with all these technologies takes time and patience.

Many jobs also require you to be familiar with tools like Git and Heroku—both command-line interfaces that will be uncomfortable for newcomers. The key here is not to get discouraged. Even experienced developers sometimes struggle with these concepts, so don’t let them intimidate you. Just keep practicing!

8. JavaScript Violates Many Rules From Other Programming Languages

JavaScript violates a lot of the rules of different programming languages. Compared to traditional programming languages, JavaScript has a very different concept of variable scope. This allows programmers to access a variable from any function, regardless of where it was initially defined. This feature can be good and bad, depending on how you use it.

The good thing about JavaScript is that it’s very forgiving. If you make a mistake, the compiler will usually ignore it and move on. This forgiveness allows you to be a little more sloppy with your code, which can be helpful when you’re first starting. However, over time these bad habits can become second nature and ultimately ruin your code.

The Best Way To Learn JavaScript Without a Headache

Strengthen Your Foundations

Before starting with JavaScript, take some time to strengthen your programming fundamentals. Mastering other languages like HTML and CSS will provide you with an excellent foundation for learning about JavaScript later.

Plus, once you begin your journey into front-end development, these foundational skills will help you dive into frameworks like AngularJS and Node more quickly and easily.

Learn Basic JavaScript From Books

The best way to learn a new language, especially if you’re new to programming, is from books or video tutorials. With a book in hand and some dedicated time, you can quickly overcome those early hurdles.

Start with an easy tutorial and reference resource that takes you step-by-step through all the fundamental concepts and constructs. From there, move on to more extensive tutorials that cover core JavaScript development topics like how to use ReactJS or Node.js for complex web apps.

Practice Coding Problems

If you want to learn any programming language, my best advice is to practice coding online. Coding online has many benefits: you can get immediate feedback, view other people’s solutions, learn from others, and chat with other coders. If you do join a community, you will have built a strong group of peers and mentors who can help you as you continue to advance your skills.

Learn Advanced JavaScript From Self-Paced Courses

There are a lot of resources available to learn basic and intermediate JavaScript. However, suppose you want to master more advanced programming techniques and genuinely understand how all of JavaScript’s components work together. In that case, you need a solid grasp of object-oriented programming and asynchronous processing.

The best way to learn all that? Get your hands dirty by taking advanced courses through platforms like The Odin Project. It will help you better understand everything from inheritance to functional programming so that you can become a pro at both back-end and front-end development.

Practice With Hands-On Projects

If you want to learn a programming language, hands-on experience is critical. It’s difficult (if not impossible) to master any programming language without writing code and solving problems.

That’s why I recommend practicing with some simple projects. It allows you to dive in, get your feet wet, and gain more confidence as you learn new skills. Don’t be afraid of starting small.

It doesn’t matter what kind of project it is, whether it be an app, a game, or just a simple calculator, so long as you have to think hard about using your new skills and building something from scratch. Not only does practice help develop your skills, but projects also force you to organize your thoughts and see problems through from start to finish.


As you can see from above, many factors could make JavaScript a complex and hard-to-understand programming language. However, it’s not so bad as long as you approach it with an understanding that it’s a language that’s just a bit less difficult to master than an easy foreign language.

Still, the best benefit of learning a language is that you don’t have to keep re-learning it once you get it down. So, just take your time and tinker a lot, and you’ll be able to use JavaScript in no time.

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